Position Report and other info UTC (+10 Hrs Sydney Time)
Cut and paste the GPS location below into Google earth, you can place mark This position and follow our Progress. Satellite Phone / SMS no. +61 405 592 606
If not seeing updates check you are on this page Satellite updates Here
Friday, 12 August 2022, 2200 Hrs
20 21 S, 148 57 E, Hamilton Island Marina, Berth G North 4 until race week berth are allocated. Thank you Andrew, Ted and Jon for making it a smooth and fast delivery very much appreciated. Good luck to the race crew I’m sure you will have a fantastic week.
1200 Hrs
20 51 S, 149 48 E, Just under 60 Nm to Hamilton Island which still puts us in at 10 pm ish tonight.
Under engine in light following winds with some of us enjoying the sunshine and others the shade. At least the thermals are packed away in airtight bags. Looking forward to some unbroken sleep.
Thursday, 11 August 2022, 1100 Hrs
22 19 S, 151 23 E, 50 Nm Offshore from Cape Townsend which is just another180 Nm to Hamilton Island giving an ETA of around 10 pm Friday evening. Hope the pub is still open. Being in the “Capricorn Channell” I am not expecting any phone reception until tomorrow afternoon so we are enjoying the peace at the moment before the phones start beeping again.
Wednesday, 10 August 2022, 1200 Hrs
23 45 S, 153 14 E, Around 45 Nm East of Lady Musgrave island. SE winds at 20 Kts is sending us straight to Hammo. Looking like a Friday evening arrival on current forecast and speeds. All is well.
Tuesday, 9 August 2022 1800 Hrs
25 19 S, 152 17 E, Half way up the Fraser Island coast. Will probably be out of reception in a few hours so the only updates will be via Sat phn until almost at Hamilton Island. We will be much earlier than planned due to the good following winds so hopefully there will be room for berthing at the other end. All is well on board
0930 Hrs
26 07 S, 153 28 E, SE of Double Island Point by 20 Nm. We had an interesting night last night dodging fishing vessels at the top of Morton Island but managed to Gybe our way through a fleet of rapidly changing course vessels. We may have some intermittent telephone reception for the next 12 hours or so (Telstra only) however after that time updates will be via the Sat phone once a day on this site and occasionally the AIS may pick us up. At current averages we should arrive at Hamilton Island in around 4 days provided the engine doesn’t eat all the fuel or the crew all the food.
Monday, 8 August 2022, 1300 Hrs
28 15 S, 153 38 E, Approaching Danger reefs which means the QLD border! Making good progress and enjoying the whale displays. After tonight the regular phone reception will be intermittent so will be turning the Satellite phone on after that.
- Sunday, 7 August 2022, 1100 Hrs
- 30 41 S, 153 05 E, Around 22 Nm South of Coffs Harbour. Finally AIS is up and running. Marine Traffic seems a little slow to propagate but you can try “VesselFinder” app but initially type in the mmsi No. below before the name will show up.
- Saturday, 6 August 2022, 1045 Hrs
Leaving Nelson Bay. The noisy clunking sounds have been sorted with a few extra washers and tightening some loose-ish bolts. A forecast of beam to running winds should get us a good way up the coast in the next few days.
0330 Hrs
Moored in Shoal bay, Port Stephens. We have stopped to check out some clunking / Groaning sounds coming from the helm. A couple of hours sleep and will check it out in the daylight
Friday, 5 August 2022
Leaving CYCA for the fuel dock before the Northern Journey begins
Emergency Contact for this delivery
Dinah Eagle, +61 (0) 475 306 555, dinah_eagle@hotmail.com
Apps for following on the AIS system, Marine Traffic, Findship or Vesselfinder
MMSI No. 503089420