Position Report and other info UTC (-6 Hrs Wind Sprite Time)
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Wednesday May 17, 2017, 2300 Hrs
00 44.83 S 90 18.5 W, Anchored in Academy Bay Santa Cruise, Galapagos Islands, No WiFi available so will update further once ashore tomorrow.
Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.
Monday, 15 May 2017, 1200 Hrs
01 21 N, 88 41 W, Now just 150 Nm to go to San Cristobal Island. Also around 85 Nm to “Neptunes Party” at the equator. Thanks again Duane for your weather update, Its been a relief over the last couple of days to not be contiguously running the engines. Wind direction has been sending us predominantly west but have managed to get a bit south. The current is increasing from the South East as well as the swell which has added to our unfortunately slow progress. All hands are busy cleaning and sorting garbage to satisfy the authorities on arrival. Signs are in place to not discharge our holding tanks or throw garbage overboard. I’m glad to have scrubbed the hull last month as its possible they will put a diver down to check for barnicles. Should we have to re-clean the hull we will have to go 40 Nm offshore to do it again. Current ETA looks like some time on Wednesday. Oh and we just got buzzed by a red helicopter, I guess they now know to expect us soon.
Friday, 12 May 2017, 1200 Hrs
03 41 N, 84 58 W, Under 400 Nm to go so over half way. Finally managed a full 24 hrs of sailing in a straight line. Doing an extra update today as I needed to log on for Dinah so that she can ask her travel agent to change flights out of the islands. Its now doubtful she will be able to make them let alone have a look around the islands on arrival. The rain has cleared up so starting to dry a few things out. All are fine onboard.
Thursday, 11 May 2017, 1200 Hrs
03 47 N, 83 39 W, Still not quite half way so incredibly frustrating. Today and a bit of yesterday saw us sailing but rarely in the right direction. Currently on a heading that’s only 30 Degrees off course which gives some hope. Will certainly be glad to finally arrive hopefully in 3 days but could be 6 should the wind and currents continue as they are.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017, 1200 Hrs
04 45 N, 82 12 W, Frustrating last 24 Hrs with less than 50 Nm made towards our destination. Wind 5-15 kts directly on our nose predominantly and the equatorial and Humbolt currents doing its best to delay our arrival. Memories of slogging it out westerly in the Med come to mind, Bring back the trade winds please. Currently the sea state is all over the place and the wind has dropped right out, maybe it will change for the better.
Monday, 8 May 2017, 1200 Hrs
05 25 N, 81 40 W, Just on one third of the way to Galapagos at the moment. Slow traveling as our weatherman has been warning for the last month there wont be any favourable winds on this leg. Lots of rain and slowly motoring on one engine to conserve fuel. All well in the extreeme heat / humidity but plenty of time for sleep and reading.
Friday, 5 May 2017, 1500 Hrs
Leaving Balboa Yacht Club for the Galapagos Islands. Updates every 2-3 days, we are not expecting any favourable winds unfortunately so will probably be motoring most of the way.
Thursday May 4th, 2017
Cleared immigration etc this afternoon so all set to go.
The last few days have been hectic with a big provision for the next crossing, finally organised a new gas bottle and conversion to US style for the ports that can’t fill our European bottles, all fuelled and water filled as well.
Now the crew are running about gathering their last supplies and are looking forward to their first leg on board. So a big welcome aboard to Dinah, Harun and Sebastian (soon to be renamed Bruce or maybe Baz to help us Ozzie’s remember his name)
Will do a final update in the morning as we leave and will update the crew list for you Duane at that time.
Saturday April 29, 2017 1730 Hrs
Arrived at a mooring at Balboa Yacht Club. All went well so a huge thank you to my crack team of Danish line handlers. Well done guys was great to have you all on board.
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