Cocos Keeling to Phuket

Position Report and other info UTC (+7 Hrs Bangkok Time)

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Friday 15 April 2022, 1500 hrs.

Tied up. Plugged in to shore power, aircon running, Sarla trying to exhaust water supply in the shower block. Last job is beer followed by “I don’t remember’ then falling into a coma! Thank you to Sarla and all five, sorry 8 plus crew for helping in finally getting Huna here!

Update one day

Cheers, Peter

Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 1200 Hrs

07 34 N, 97 41 E, Just on 70 Nm to quarantine Anchorage off Phuket! Yee Haa. We have around 10 kts of breese from the NW and are making great progress under sail for a very rare period on this leg from the Cocos. Its was quite stressfull 24 hrs ago when the wind totally died out with still 180 Nm to go. Fuel wise I have calculated that we can start the engine again in another 35 Nm with confidence to at least make the Quarantine anchorage! Hopefully the next update is via the telephone networks when safely sitting out our isolation at anchor tomorrow.

Monday, 11 April 2022, 1100 Hrs

06 00 N, 95 13 E, North of Pulau We, Indonesia. Onto the final straight with not much wind as usual. Probably around 240 Nm to Phuket now. No hurry to arrive in detention as with public hollidays and the difficulty in getting a PCR test its looking like days before showers, airconditioning, clean cloths, Fruit, vegtables should I go on? Update from anchor on Wednesday I expect

Tuesday, 10 April 2022, 1100 hrs, 3 mins, 20 Secs

04 50 N, 95 46 E, Nothing Happened

(to be fair, we did sail most of the day in very variable winds, had a pirate party to celebrate arriving at the North end of Indo and no thats it really)

Saturday, 9 April 2022, 1100 Hrs

03 24 N, 94 39 E, Drifting along towards the top of Banda Aceh around 150 Nm away. I hear they hold great Pirate Parties there, cant wait to join another Party. After that its a right hand corner then civilisation sorry isolation ??? in a further 300 Nm. Its all too exciting

Friday, 8 April 2022, 1100 Hrs

01 53 N, 94 45 E


Warning! This website was hacked on Thursday. Someone (obviously quite insane) posted the outrageous suggestion that weather forecasts can be relied upon. Even went so far as giving an ETA more than 24 hrs in advance. The Cyber Crimes Authority is looking into this.

Thursday, 7 April 2022, 1300 Hrs

00 38 N, 95 08 E. Yep in the northern hemisphere ! Neptune must have enjoyed the party early this morning. After posting yesterday whilst adrift I downloaded an updated forecast for the next few days. The great news is that the update now shows wind today and then after further motoring Friday favourable winds following. This means we are back on track to arrive Tuesday morning prior to a three day holliday in Thailand. Fingers crossed the clearance agents can get the formal testing and paperwork through before Phuket shuts down before the weekend. Next update Saturday at this stage.

Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 1130 Hrs

01 19 S, 95 08 E, Well thats it, have kept up a reasonable average under engine for the last 5 days. Currently we are under sail off course in 5-8 Kts of breese. Since there will probably be no wind tomorrow and a maximum of 3 days left motoring I expect we will only be able to drift along from now on. ETA April this year I hope.

Oh yes, happy “Self Determination Day” to the Coco’s Keeling Islands ! Does this mean the “Territory Controller” and all the other IOTS will let the islanders make there own decisions? Naaah the Ego’s are too big to share power.

(IOT’s – Indian Ocean Territory SERVANTS) I think theres a D and I missing in their titles

Monday, 4 April 2022, 1100 Hrs

06 15 S, 96 29 E, Very glassy out there today. Still on engine as expected but frustrating just watching the fuel guage slowly fall. Still looking forward to Neptunes party in around 2.5 Days. Not much else to report on apart from more dolphins (baby included). Hopefully can report some wind next time. Thank you for the messages received, much appreciated.

Sunday, 3 April 2022, 1300 Hrs

A little bit of excitement, saw some fishing boats out here one through the day and then several more over night. A group of five coming within a few miles motoring along in a wedge like formation made us nervous for a quite a while.

Saturday, 2 April 2022, 1130 Hrs

8 23 S, 96 31 E Still in the middle of nowhere. The equator and hence Neptunes Party is 510 Nm away so something to look forward to apart from motoring along in the heat. Pretty much expecting no wind for the next week but hoping for something to assist in the last four days nearing Thailand as fuel will be in short supply next week.

Friday, 1 April 2022, 1100 Hrs

10 31 S, 96 42 E, Only 1290 Nm to go! Calm, Variable so under engine and very hot. A few dolphins around at times but there aint no-one else to be seen.

Thursday, 31 March 2022, 1500 Hrs

Underway, a few last minute supplies and paperwork just completed. Thailand here we come.

1200 Hrs

About to leave Cocos Keeling for Phuket. Finally underway again. Updates every secound day planned at the moment. Welcome aboard Sarla!